Dental care | the most important tips from Medstom about the care of gums and teeth during pregnancy to protect from gingivitis
Teeth and pregnancy.
Pregnancy is an extremely delicate period for any woman. In addition to taking care of the fetus, the woman should also take care of her oral and dental health.
At this time, teeth and gums are particularly sensitive, so they need special care.
During pregnancy, female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are abundant, leading to increased permeability of the blood vessels in the gums and loosening of connective tissue. This facilitates the appearance of problems in the oral cavity, such as inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) or worsening of pre-existing periodontitis.
Gingivitis during pregnancy
Very often by the 3rd and 4th month of pregnancy there are changes in the gums - they become swollen, very red, with a smooth and shiny surface.
In the interdental space of the teeth there is a significant increase in the volume of the gums and when washing and even during eating they bleed.
Then, we, the dentists, observe the appearance of gingivitis.
The good thing is that the changes in the gums are temporary and painless, but there are often complications that can lead to infection.
This is the role of the dentist, who has the task of preventing the possibility of infection in the oral cavity.
What is the care of gums and teeth during pregnancy?
To avoid dental problems during pregnancy, it is advisable to emphasize prevention.
In addition to brushing teeth, floss for interdental spaces, interdental brushes and mouthwash should be used, which should be at least 2 times a day. You should also know that oral hygiene is also associated with proper and balanced nutrition. during this period.
It is good to limit the intake of harmful carbohydrate foods, such as foods rich in sugars and pasta.
The problem with carbohydrates is that they break down immediately after ingestion. 10 minutes after eating sweet food in the mouth can already detect a high concentration of acids.
Hence the recommendation for teeth and brushing them immediately after eating.
We advise all expectant mothers to visit their dentist at least 3 times during pregnancy to avoid the possibility of toothache or other complications.