Non-operative and operative removal of wisdom teeth

Non-operative and operative removal of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, but they often lead to complications. If wisdom tooth has erupted, Removing it is better than curing it

When is it necessary to remove a wisdom tooth?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt into the oral cavity, but very often then lead to complications. If a a wisdom tooth has erupted, there are cases in which his treatment is impossible and he must be extracted. This is necessary for:

  • A position that makes it difficult to perform a thorough cleaning;
  • In case of incomplete masticatory function on the part of the a wisdom tooth;
  • In case of trauma to the surrounding tissues;
  • If it is possible to rearrange the available teeth, which would lead to a change in the bite and a number of future complications, etc.

In such cases, it is important for the patient to respond in a timely manner to prevent future adverse effects. The intervention by the dentist is non-operative, as the tooth has communication with the oral cavity, ie. has broken through. The manipulation itself consists in removing the  wisdom tooth and subsequent treatment of the wound in order to heal faster. The consequences for the patient in comparison with the surgical intervention are insignificant and are expressed in slight discomfort.

When is surgical removal of the wisdom tooth necessary?

One of the most common operations in the oral cavity is the extraction of semi-retained and retained wisdom teeth. This intervention can be very easy, but there are also cases in which it is hampered by various anatomical features. That is why a precise examination and an individual approach to the patient are needed. The reasons for the removal of semi-retained and retained wisdom teeth (no communication with the oral cavity) are:

  • Presence of inflammation around the crown of the wisdom tooth (pericoronaritis);
  • Retention in the eruption of permanent teeth;
  • In neuralgia of the surrounding nerves;
  • For orthodontic reasons;
  • When resorbing the root of an adjacent tooth;
  • For prevention, etc.

The extraction of such a wisdom tooth is operative and is called an odonectomy. It is performed by a dentist specializing in oral surgery and under local anesthesia. The intervention by the surgeon is greater in comparison with the non-operative extraction and is expressed in providing access to the tooth through an incision. After the wisdom tooth is removed, the wound is sutured to prevent future infection. All this manipulation is performed under antibiotic protection - an antibiotic is prescribed in advance or on the day of surgery to ensure a rapid healing process.

The effects of wisdom teeth removal

The greater scope of the intervention also determines the greater complaints that patients may have after the operation, namely:

  • Swelling in the area of the manipulation;
  • Difficulty and pain when swallowing;
  • Restriction in opening the mouth.

The discomfort experienced by the patient is greatest in the first three days and disappears completely within 7-10 days. After each operation, the surgeon gives a list of instructions to the patient, which, if followed correctly, determine a quick healing process.


Dental Clinic Medstom

Adress: 1000 Sofia 26 А, "Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov" Blvd.
Tel.: +359 2 981 00 00
Mobile: +359 896 693 220

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Work hours
Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 20:00
Saturday and official holidays: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: a day off

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Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 17:00
Saturday, Sunday and official holidays: days off