Root canal | What is pulpitis?

Root canal | What is pulpitis?

Lear from Medstom about the two forms of pulpitis - reversible pulpitis and irreversible pulpitis and how Pulpitis treatment and root canal

Root canal.

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment or endodontics, is a crucial, comprehensive practice in dental care.

Endodontics examines the biology, physiology, pathology and treatment of dental pulp, which is located in the innermost part of each tooth.

Dentists call this process root canal treatment. Inflammation of the nerve is called pulpitis. It can occur in one or more teeth and is caused by bacteria that invade the pulp of the tooth.

There are two forms of pulpitis - reversible pulpitis and irreversible pulpitis

Reversible pulpitis

refers to cases where the inflammation is mild and the dental pulp remains strong enough to be saved.

Irreversible pulpitis

occurs when the inflammation is severe and the pulp cannot be saved. This infection develops at the root of the tooth.

Both types of pulpitis cause pain. Although the pain caused by reversible pulpitis may be milder and only occur during meals.

The pain associated with irreversible pulpitis is stronger and most often occurs at night.

These irreversible pulpitis changes require the removal of dental pulp. Sometimes the process of damage is so advanced that the pulp has begun to necrotize (die). In these cases, it is possible for some time to have a complete absence of any pain symptoms. Unfortunately, this is only apparent and if the tooth remains in this condition, the pain will soon start again and the problem only gets worse.

Then it is necessary to seek specialized help from a dentist.

Dead pulp and bacteria inside the tooth can lead to the formation of granulomas in the periapical space.

The symptoms that are associated with the infection in the pulpitis are:

  •  A tooth that hurts when chewing, and in some cases is sensitive to touch;
  • Irradiating pain throughout the country without being able to identify the causative tooth.

Whatever the symptoms, the treatment goes through 3 main stages - diagnosis, cleaning and shaping of the canal system, and finally sealing the space with inert material (nowadays the most used material is gutta-percha in combination with sealer).

The main goal of root canal treatment is to stop the irritants from entering the tissues around the tooth.

This goal is achieved by eliminating microorganisms and their toxins from the inner space of the tooth, thus enabling the immune system to fight and repair the damage.

Pulpitis treatment

The treatment itself can be performed even in one visit, as long as the conditions allow it. For this purpose, the tooth is isolated with a latex cloth (rubber dam), the access is formed, and the root canal system is cleaned and irrigated (washed) with various chemical agents.

Our advice as specialists is to do everything possible to preserve your natural teeth before accepting extraction.

Preserving your tooth should always be the number one goal when you need dental treatment.


Dental Clinic Medstom

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Tel.: +359 2 981 00 00
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Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 20:00
Saturday and official holidays: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: a day off

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Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 17:00
Saturday, Sunday and official holidays: days off