‍‍The child and the dentist - who, when and why?

‍‍The child and the dentist - who, when and why?

How often should we take the child to the dentist, Medstom advice to parents for Pediatric dentist visit

1. First visit to the dentist.

Parents often wonder when they should first take their child to the dentist. The answer is from the moment a tooth appears in the child's mouth, but this must be done by the child's first year at the latest. With the eruption of the teeth, it is necessary to take care in order to preserve their health - the dentist comes to the rescue at this moment.

The first visit is essential, because then the foundations of the relationship between the child and the pediatric dentist are laid. The goal of the dentist is to gain the child's trust through various techniques (explanations, demonstrations, games, etc.) and thus to create a positive attitude on the part of the child to the profession. The good impression not only supports future manipulations, but also creates such a stereotype of behavior that determines the further well-being of oral health.

Another important task of the pediatric dentist is to get acquainted with how the pregnancy went and the first months of the child's life. This helps to identify risk factors that would affect the future health of baby teeth. In this way, the pediatric dentist builds an individual approach to the child and his future treatment. Attention should also be paid to the health of the existing deciduous teeth, the term of their eruption, deviations in the bite.

Harmful habits are a special category. Parents are often the first to notice the presence of bad habits in their children. Bad habits include:

  • The use of a pacifier after 1 year of age;
  • Night feeding with sweetened milk;
  • Prolonged breastfeeding;
  • Frequent use of juices and citrus;
  • Finger sucking;
  • Breathing through the mouth and sleeping with the mouth open.

When establishing such, a consultation with a pediatric dentist or ENT specialist should be made. Even if there are no consequences at the moment, they will appear over time and will be more severe. Be vigilant to keep your child's teeth healthy.

2. How often should we take the child to the dentist?

A characteristic feature is that the carious process in children's teeth develops faster compared to adults. This is due to the fact that the thickness of the dental tissues (enamel and dentin) in deciduous teeth is less than in permanent teeth. This determines that the caries grows much faster into pulpitis (the nerve is affected), and he in turn - into periodontitis (the infection passes into the surrounding bone). This process is not always accompanied by toothache and this requires more frequent check-ups - every 2-3 months, at the discretion of the dentist.

3. Advice to parents for Pediatric dentist visit

The work of the dentist is much easier if there is the assistance of the parents. This is expressed in:

  • Avoiding the words pain and typewriter;
  • Often in an effort to help the parents repeat the words of the dentist - this distracts the child and he begins to listen to them, not the dentist;
  • Sometimes, when children refuse to cooperate, they do so in order to attract the attention of their parents. In these cases, leave the child alone with the dentist - there may be a result;
  • Nothing happens by force - this will complicate the next visits, will make the child negative and will leave a trauma for life. Be patient and in a short period of time your child will show progress.


Dental Clinic Medstom

Adress: 1000 Sofia 26 А, "Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov" Blvd.
Tel.: +359 2 981 00 00
Mobile: +359 896 693 220
Е-mail: information@medstom.com

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Work hours
Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 20:00
Saturday and official holidays: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: a day off

Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 17:00
Saturday, Sunday and official holidays: days off

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