Veneers - give yourself a fresh start!

Veneers - give yourself a fresh start!

Dental veneers are the perfect combination of dental art, technique and science.

Questions like "How can I improve my smile" or dreams like "I want a smile like a Hollywood actor's" have been heard by almost every aesthetic dentist. But you don't have to be a big screen star to have a stellar smile! With today's innovative veneer materials, it's possible now and right away. They can change your smile with just a few visits to a specialist at an affordable price. Porcelain veneers are the solution to permanently changing of stained, chipped, broken, discolored, crooked and sparse teeth. They can also be used for permanent whitening. They are the perfect combination of dental art and science.

Veneers are handcrafted and personalized, just for your smile and your look. Like a contact lens, paper-thin pieces of porcelain bond to the front of your natural teeth. But don't underestimate the thinness of this amazing material, it is extremely durable and strong.

The step needed to achieve the best smile is to choose a dentist you can trust. At Medstom Dental Clinics in Sofia, you are in the right place! Here you will gain new confidence with your appearance and a smile that brightens with the perfect dental veneers! Careful planning and attention to the details of your smile is one of the main tasks of aesthetic dentistry specialists. They will take models, designs, x-rays... and create the perfect veneers for you.

By placing veneers:

  • You will hide stains on the tooth surface and discolored teeth;
  • You will change the length and size of your teeth;
  • Crooked teeth will be aligned harmoniously and perfectly;
  • A broken piece of tooth will be restored.

Although it sounds like a long process, the step from one smile to another often takes less time than you think. And with the new COMPONEER direct composite veneer system, a quality, easy, and aesthetically pleasing restoration of front teeth can be effectively achieved in just one visit.

So, once your veneer design is complete, you usually only need two more appointments with the dentist until you have a great new smile. At the first visit, you will be fitted with temporary veneers, while the permanent veneers are made by a specialist dental technician. And on the second and long-awaited appointment, your dentist will place the porcelain veneers on your teeth in a series of precise steps, using an extremely powerful bond between the tooth and the porcelain material. The great thing about veneers is that there are no age restrictions.

You can find out what types of veneers there are and how to take care of them in our article - "Veneers: a new smile in a few steps".

 “Medstom” Dental Clinics also offer an alternative to veneers and that is Bonding. A modern aesthetic procedure, non-invasive and with no recovery period. Bonding is the solution when you want to achieve a beautiful smile in a short time, it is performed in 2 visits to the dentist. On the first visit, an impression or so-called wax-up scan is taken, and on the second visit, photopolymer is applied using a silicone precision key. No anesthesia is required and it can be applied to any group of teeth, both front and back.

Medstom Dental Clinics recommends that their patients who have diastema and trems and wish to close the space between their teeth, but do not want to wear braces or want to change the shape and size of their teeth, or perhaps have dark spots they want to cover up or early stage abrasion (erasing the cutting edges of the teeth), should not hesitate!

Whichever procedure you choose, do it for yourself! Give yourself a fresh start and believe me, you'll wonder why you waited so long to take this step and improve your smile, self-confidence and life!


Dental Clinic Medstom

Adress: 1000 Sofia 26 А, "Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov" Blvd.
Tel.: +359 2 981 00 00
Mobile: +359 896 693 220

→  Directions Google Maps

Work hours
Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 20:00
Saturday and official holidays: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: a day off

The clinic works with NHIF !

Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 17:00
Saturday, Sunday and official holidays: days off