What is the dental bonding treatment?

What is the dental bonding treatment?

Bonding is an aesthetic and effective dental procedure as an alternative to veneering.

Want to get rid of the bumps on your teeth that cause you daily discomfort ?

Bonding is an aesthetic procedure that is an alternative to veneering.

Non-invasive and without a recovery period, bonding is your solution when you want a perfect smile in a short time.

During the procedure, your dentist will apply a layer-by-layer highly aesthetic composite material that permanently binds to your natural teeth.

The procedure does not require anesthesia and can be applied to any group of teeth - both anterior (frontal) and posterior (distal).


Step1: Before proceeding with the procedure, your dentist will take fingerprints from your mouth and send them to the dental laboratory. This is to analyze and prepare a wax prototype showing what your teeth would look like (wax-up) after the procedure.

Step 2:  On the second visit with a silicone key, your dentist will carry this wax prototype into your mouth (mock-up) to see what you would look like.

Step 3: When the patient likes his new look (shape, mass size), the bonding procedure is started.The dentist will use a finishing drill to smooth and polish the tooth surface that needs a bonding procedure. This will help the photopolymer material to adhere better and more permanently, after which, using the silicone wrench, the layer-by-layer application of the aesthetic photopolymer and the shaping of the new tooth begins.

In which cases is the bonding procedure recommended?

  • in case you have diastema and tremors and want to close the distance between the teeth, but do not want to wear braces;
  • you want to change the shape and size of your teeth;
  • you have dark spots that you want to cover up;
  • you have an initial stage of abrasion (erasing the cutting edges of the teeth);
  • sensitive dentin.

How should we take care of our teeth after a bonding procedure?

There is nothing specific you need to do. You need to follow good oral hygiene and follow your regular check-ups at the dentist (at least 2 a year). During the examinations, the dentist will take care of the good aesthetic value of your teeth.


Dental Clinic Medstom

Adress: 1000 Sofia 26 А, "Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov" Blvd.
Tel.: +359 2 981 00 00
Mobile: +359 896 693 220
Е-mail: information@medstom.com

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Work hours
Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 20:00
Saturday and official holidays: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: a day off

The clinic works with NHIF !

Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 17:00
Saturday, Sunday and official holidays: days off